- The cotton industry offers a range of engaging career opportunities.
- Cotton Australia advocates for policies to ensure the industry’s labour needs are met.
If you have not considered a career in agriculture, now is the time to start.
With the world’s population set to reach more than 10 billion in the next 90 years, a skilled and efficient workforce needs to be ready to feed and clothe the world.
The Australian cotton industry is a fast-paced and dynamic industry, supported by a skilled, cohesive and diverse workforce.
Cotton Australia works closely with governments to ensure effective visa incentives are established that encourage regional settlement and specifically address skills shortages in the agriculture sector.
The cotton industry offers employment in a vast array of skilled and unskilled areas of the agribusiness sector.

AgCAREERSTART is an Australian Government initiative, delivered by the National Farmers' Federation in collaboration with Cotton Australia and other leading industry bodies.
It is a structured gap year program that introduces young Australians, school leavers and those under the age of 25 to a career in agriculture. Matching participating farming businesses with young Australians, the on-farm placements over 10-12 months provide participants with a paid job, training and development and the ability to build networks within the agriculture industry.
The successful applicants will be given a grant to complete a VET course relevant to their farm placement and interest. Young Australians will have the opportunity to learn in jobs such as farm-labour, soil testing, crop monitoring, pest and disease management and irrigation management.
As well as working on-farm and studying their VET course, participants will be encouraged to attend significant industry events, such as the NFF Conference, Cotton Conference, AgFest, AgQUIP and more.
To register interest in participating and for more information, please visit the AgCAREERSTART website.
Further reading and information
- Cotton Education Kit - Cotton Careers
- Visit the Australian Government’s Job Guide to find out what qualifications you need for a specific role.
- Career Harvest (Australian Council of Deans of Agriculture).
- Rural Careers Guide (Rural Skills Australia).
- AgMove Relocation Assistance - an Australian Government initiative that helps with costs for eligible people who relocate to take up short term agricultural work, including harvest work in Australia.