Strategic Roadmap for Australian Cotton

Cotton Australia, Australian Cotton Shippers Association (ACSA) and Cotton Research and Development Corporation (CRDC) are working in collaboration on the Strategic Roadmap for Australian Cotton aimed at helping the industry remain competitive in a changing global market.


Australian cotton industry is recognised as a global leader with the most sustainable, ethical and highest quality cotton available, backed up by credible certification and data.

Driving forces

  • Ensure future access to premium fashion and textiles markets
  • Incoming global legislation from the European Union, and others
  • Changing requirements of global fashion and textiles industry
  • Maintain competitiveness
  • Capture additional value for growers and industry
  • Capitalise on grower and industry investment in R&D and sustainability.

Five key areas of focus:

  1. Traceability
  2. Sustainably-certified cotton from Australia
  3. Human Rights
  4. Industry data
  5. Australian cotton marketing


Does Australia need a traceability system for Australian cotton/myBMP cotton?

Many brands and retailers require traceability in the cotton supply chain to identify the origin of fibres and eliminate human rights and environmental risks. This trend is accelerating due to new EU legislation and will become essential for market access in future.


The Investigating Traceability Solutions for Australian Cotton project is underway coordinated by Cotton Australia and grant funded by the Qld Government.

Sustainably-certified cotton from Australia

Does myBMP deliver the future sustainability needs of customers?

Established 25 years ago in Australia, the myBMP program was established to manage risk and help farmers adopt more sustainable practices. During that time the needs of major brand and retail customers have changed. We need to ensure our sustainability offering is future fit and allows access to premium markets.


The CRDC is leading a review of the current myBMP program as a first step to ensuring our sustainability certification is future fit.

Human Rights

How will new global legislation impact our ability to sell cotton into premium markets?

Living wages, modern day slavery, and worker rights in the textile supply chain, right down to farm level, face increasing scrutiny. As a country with low human rights risk for cotton, we need to ensure we are collecting the right evidence to promote our low-risk status.


A human rights statement is being drafted and will be open to signatories from Australian cotton industry bodies and associations.

Industry Data

Are we collecting and reporting data that creates value for customers and industry?

The Australian cotton industry collects extensive data from farms, gins and classing rooms, and the textile supply chain increasingly demands accessible, accurate, and verified data to support claims about sustainability, human rights, and cotton origin.


The CRDC is working to develop a digital strategy for the Australian cotton industry and an industry owned data platform is in development.

Marketing Australian Cotton

Are we investing enough in the marketing and promotion of Australian cotton?

Compared to other cotton certification programs and our competitors, investment in the promotion of Australian cotton is relatively small. Is there an opportunity to better promote our fibre and its attributes to supply chain customers?


In the last three years, $1.7 million in Federal Government funding has helped boost the promotion of Australian cotton resulting in a 90% increase in applications to use the Australian Cotton Mark.

More information