Awards Nomination Information

Nominations are now open for the 2025 Cotton industry awards.

Bayer Grower of the Year Award and AgriRisk High Achiever of the Year Award

Bayer and Agririsk

The nominations close on the 2nd of April.

Step One - Nomination Phase
Grower nominees enter into a single grower category in the first instance to create a 'grower pool'. Information to be provided in the nomination process includes:

You are encouraged to provide further written information at the nomination stage, however it is your choice to provide this information or not, it will not have any bearing on your success as finalists.

Which one for me?

Growers nominees are entered into a “grower pool” and are later allocated to the applicable category by the judging panel.

Bayer Grower of the Year Award

Criteria: Nominees can be an irrigated or dryland cotton grower, regardless of farm size, demonstrating high levels of achievement in most of the cotton farm operation.

Entry Requirements: Completed entry form only in the first instance; no additional paperwork required. At least one high quality digital image of nominee.

AgriRisk High Achiever of the Year Award

Criteria: Nominees can be an irrigated or dryland cotton growers, regardless of farm size, demonstrating very high achievement, excellence or innovation in ONE or more areas of the cotton farm operation.

Entry Requirements: Completed entry form only in the first instance; no additional paperwork required. At least one high quality digital image of nominee.

Step Two - Interview Phase

All nominees are invited to participate in a teleconference with the judging panel in April. The panel will send a questionnaire to nominees as the basis for the discussion. It is not necessary to complete this document, but it is helpful to the panel. During the teleconference, the judging panel will assess the nominee based on the criteria as follows:

  • Crop and Pest Management
  • Land and Water Management
  • Property & Infrastructure Development and Management
  • Staff Development and OH&S
  • Working towards the principles of myBMP (Best Management Practices)
  • Business Management and Marketing
  • Industry and/or Community Participation

The panel will consider the business as a whole, taking into account the resources and regional conditions specific to the farm; thus ensuring equity across family or corporate farms. The panel will consider if the nominee is demonstrating very high achievement, excellence or innovation in ONE or more areas of the cotton farm operation (making them more applicable for the AgriRisk High Achiever of the Year) or if they excel across all of the criteria (making them more applicable for the Bayer Grower of the Year).

Following the interview, nominees are shortlisted to six finalist growers across the two categories. Written feedback is provided to any nominees who fail to make the shortlist. This feedback focuses on the strengths of the business and is an acknowledgment of the areas in which they are achieving. Those that are finalists also receive feedback as to the areas of strength that the judging panel have identified in their business. Finalists will be announced before the end of April. Finalists will be required to participate in some media and promotion activities. This usually involves responding to requests from your local media for interviews, photos and/or quotes.

Step Three - Farm Tour Phase

The judging panel then visits each of the finalists’ farms for a tour and interview of three-to-four hours duration. This tour will be held in late April/early May. Nominees are encouraged to involve their staff, consultants, Cotton Australia Regional Manager and CottonInfo Representative in the farm tour. The farm tour should focus on those areas that most directly address the Awards Criteria and the areas of strength that have been identified. During and after the farm tour the judging panel assesses the finalists and allocate each of them into the most applicable category and come to a decision on the recipients for both categories. At this stage the decision is made on some very fine differences between finalists and is usually a comparison of best with better or the sum total of all of the finalists’ achievements across all of the criteria.

Step Four - Recipients' Announcement

The three finalists in each of the two categories are invited to attend the Cotton Awards Industry Dinner. They and their partner will be hosted by the sponsor of their category where the recipient will be announced, come onto stage to receive their award and make a two-minute acceptance speech. The Bayer Grower of the Year will be encouraged to host the Grower of the Year Field Day on their farm with assistance from their local CGA and Cotton Australia.

What are the Rewards?

Whilst recognition for your hard work is always the best reward, the Cotton Industry Awards also provide other benefits to the Bayer Grower of the Year and the AgriRisk High Achiever of the Year:

  • both recipients go on to be on the judging panel for the next year, visiting the new nominees’ farms throughout the cotton regions.
  • every finalist will receive two free tickets to attend the Awards Dinner, hosted by the category sponsor.
  • each category recipient will receive $2,000 cash to spend how they like.
  • Grower of the Year is then nominated as Australian Farmer of the Year.
  • every recipient receives a trophy and goes onto the Industry Honour Role.

What do I do next?

  1. Ensure you are familiar with the criteria and the supporting materials you require to make a nomination.
  2. Speak to your nominee/s (except for Service to Industry category) and enlist their help in developing the responses to the criteria and the supporting materials required.
  3. Collect at least one high quality digital photo of the nominee/s.
  4. Have all your nomination information ready and complete the online nomination form in one sitting (you cannot return to a partly completed nomination) at Nomination Form.

CRDC Chris Lehmann Young Cotton Achiever of the Year Award

Step One - Nomination Phase


Nominees must be 35 years of age or less (as at 1 July 2025) and demonstrate:

  1. Your commitment to the cotton industry and how your personal and/or work-related achievements have made a positive contribution to the industry.
  2. Articulate your vision for the future of the Australian cotton industry (in say, 5-10 years). Vision can encompass things both within, and outside, the industry.
  3. Describe your potential role in helping the industry to realise your vision. Please provide description, detail, and examples, so the selection panel can better understand you, and your role in the industry.

All criteria will be given equal weighting. We recommend that you discuss your nomination with a past Award recipient for their insight into the nomination criteria. The awards team can put you in touch.

Entry Requirements

  • Completed entry form
  • Written entry addressing each award criteria and additional supporting information
  • At least one high quality digital image of nominee

Step Two - Interview Phase

All nominations are assessed based on the written information provided during step one by the judging panel. The judging panel then meets to identify the three finalists during May. Those nominees that do not make the Finalist list are contacted in May.

The three finalists are then invited to participate in individual teleconference interviews with the judging panel, in April. From this interview the judging panel makes a determination on the recipient which is then announced at the Awards Dinner. Unsuccessful applicants will also be notified in April.

Step Three - Recipients Announcement

The three finalists are invited to attend the Cotton Awards Industry Dinner. They and their partner will be hosted by the sponsor of their category where the recipient will be announced. The recipient will be required to make a two-minute acceptance speech.

What are the rewards?

Whilst recognition for your hard work is always the best reward, the Cotton Industry Awards also provide other benefits to recipients:

  • every recipient receives a trophy and goes onto the Industry Honour Role.
  • each category recipient goes on to be on the judging panel for the next year.
  • every finalist will receive two free tickets to attend the Awards Dinner hosted by the category sponsor.
  • each category recipient will receive $2,000 cash to spend how they like.

What do I do next?

  1. Ensure you are familiar with the criteria and the supporting materials you require to make a nomination.
  2. Speak to your nominee/s and enlist their help in developing the responses to the criteria and the supporting materials required.
  3. Collect at least one high quality digital photo of the nominee/s.
  4. Have all your nomination information ready and complete the online nomination form in one sitting (you cannot return to a partly completed nomination).

Cotton Seed Distributors Researcher of the Year Award

Step One - Nominations Phase

Nominees can be an individual or team, from the government, not-for-profit or private sectors. Research may be defined as either short term research, which has provided industry impact in addressing a particular seasonal challenge(s) or a longer research project. Nominators MUST address clearly the following criteria and provide examples of their individual or team in support.


Innovation (30% of total score): List the three most innovative achievements from the research, development, or extension program that qualifies the individual/team for the Researcher of the Year Award.

Impact (40% of total score): Provide specific examples that demonstrate how the research, development, or extension program has delivered value for cotton growers, the Australian cotton industry, and the broader international research community.

Commitment (30% of total score): Provide examples of how the individual/team has gone above and beyond the requirements of their research project to deliver benefit to the Australian cotton industry and broader research community.

Entry Requirements

  • Completed entry form
  • Written entry addressing each of the award criteria and additional supporting information
  • Whether or not it is a confidential nomination
  • Who is the key contact where the nomination is for more than one person
  • At least one digital image of the nominee/s

Step Two - Interview Phase

Nominations are assessed based on the written information provided during step one by the judging panel. The judging panel then meets to assess the written nominations in April. In some years the judging panel MAY choose to interview nominees face to face (at their discretion) or they may seek further details from the nominator.

The judging panel makes a determination on the recipient/s which is/are then announced at the Awards Dinner.

Step Three - Recipient Announcement

The three finalists in each of the two categories are invited to attend the Cotton Awards Industry Dinner. They and their partner will be hosted by the sponsor of their category where the recipient will be announced. The recipient will be required to make a two-minute acceptance speech.

What are the rewards?

Whilst recognition for your hard work is always the best reward, the Cotton Industry Awards also provide other benefits to recipients:

  • every recipient receives a trophy and goes onto the Industry Honour Role.
  • each category recipient goes on to be on the judging panel for the next year, assessing nominees for the Australian Cotton Industry Awards.
  • every finalist will receive two free tickets to attend the Awards Dinner, hosted by the category sponsor.
  • each category recipient will receive $2,000 cash to spend how they like.
  • Researcher of the Year recipient/s is eligible to receive a $3,500 bursary from Cotton Seed Distributors to support further research or career development.
  • Researcher of the Year is nominated for the International Cotton Researcher of the Year.

What do I do next?

  1. Ensure you are familiar with the criteria and the supporting materials you require to make a nomination.
  2. When nominations are not confidential* speak to your nominee/s and enlist their help in developing the responses to the criteria and the supporting materials required.
  3. Collect at least one high quality digital photo of the nominee/s.
  4. Have all your nomination information ready and complete the online nomination form in one sitting (you cannot return to a partly completed nomination).

* Some Researcher of the Year category nominations are confidential.

Incitec Pivot Fertilisers Service to Industry Award