Cotton to Market is Cotton Australia’s supply chain engagement program.

The Cotton to Market team drives demand for Australian cotton, highlighting the premium quality, sustainability and traceability credentials, with brand and retail customers via the Cotton Mark licencing program.

Ensuring secure market access is a major focus for Cotton to Market. The team ensures Australian cotton remains competitive, aligned with global legislation, meets customer needs, and paves the way for Australian cotton trade.

In addition, Cotton to Market advocates for Australian cotton and the industry with NGO’s, government and supply chain influencers, while gaining feedback from customers to ensure Australian cotton continues to meet the market requirements.

The Cotton to Market program started in 2013, and during this time the demand for Australian cotton has continued to grow with more than 85 million clothing and homewares products have carried the Australian Cotton Mark over the past decade.

Better cotton

Cotton Australia is an active member of Better Cotton, with about 40% of Australia's cotton crop qualifying as Better Cotton.