
Training and upskilling is a valuable investment for individuals and businesses at any age and stage in the industry.

There are a range of training opportunities available in order to further develop, keep up to date with the latest cotton research findings, production best practice or legislative requirements.

Training required by legislation is reflected in the cotton industry’s myBMP program. myBMP providers cotton growers with the latest scientific knowledge, resources and support to meet best practice standards.

There are a number of cotton industry-supported training initiatives available for growers:

AgSkilled (NSW only)

AgSkilled offers vocational training for the cotton, grains, horticulture, viticulture and rice industries.

The program delivers flexible, subsidised training from single units up to targeted part-qualifications, and covers a very broad range of training topics spanning safety, production, technology and business.

Training can be tailored to suit individual business needs and can be designed to suit learners with a range of skills and experience, from farm owners to new industry entrants.

The program is a direct partnership between Cotton Australia, the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC), Hort Innovation, NSW Wine Industry Association, Ricegrowers Association and the NSW Government, and is funded and administered under NSW’s Smart & Skilled program.

Visit the AgSkilled website and Facebook page for more information and to see what training is on offer.

SmartAg Queensland

Through SmartAg Queensland, farmers can access subsidised accredited, non-accredited and micro-credential training to support their agricultural enterprise to attract, train, and retain a skilled and diverse workforce.

Cotton Australia where integral in securing funding to establish SmartAg Queensland.

The Cotton Production Course

The Cotton Production Course is offered through the University of New England and offers specialist tertiary training in cotton production for both current university students and professionals working in the industry.

Developed by the Cotton Research and Development Corporation (CRDC), the course is a set of four units that cover the production, crop protection, systems and environmental management of cotton crops in the Australian industry.

The cotton units form a Graduate Certificate in Agriculture (majoring in cotton production) or can be used towards a series of agriculturally-oriented degrees, diplomas and masters awards.

Chemical Certifications

Anyone who uses hazardous chemicals in their workplace or business needs to be trained in accordance with Occupational/ Work Health and Safety legislation.

ChemCERT is an non-profit organisation providing industry accreditation for users of Agricultural and Veterinary (AgVet) chemicals.

Short course: siphon irrigation training for seasonal workers

This course assists in the general training of backpackers and seasonal labour in flood irrigation. The trainer will be an experienced irrigator. The course can be used by one business, or run for a wider region. The course is designed to run over half a day. The course includes a suggested outline, timing, equipment and supporting presentation.

For more information: