Queensland growers encouraged to consider employer support payment program

Payments of up to $15,000 are available to eligible employers who hire an eligible unemployed jobseeker in regional Queensland under the state government’s Back to Work program.
Queensland cotton growers are encouraged to consider being involved in the program.
The program is designed to give businesses the confidence to employ Queenslanders who have experienced a period of unemployment.
Support payments are available to eligible employers who hire a previously unemployed Queenslander who has experienced a minimum period of unemployment directly prior to commencing work with them.
The program is available throughout parts of regional Queensland experiencing significant labour market challenges.
Employer Support Payments are available to eligible employers who meet all the program eligibility criteria, and they can make an online application through QGrants after the eligible employee completes four weeks of continuous paid employment.
Initial applications must be received within eight weeks of the employee completing four weeks of continuous employment. Each eligible employer (based on their ABN) may claim a maximum of five Back to Work Regional and five Back to Work SEQ initial payment applications.
This cap applies to Employer Support, Youth Boost and Mature Aged Worker Boost payments and combinations of those payment types.
Once a total of five initial payment applications per region have been approved, no further initial payment applications can be accepted.
The program is delivered in the following regions:
- Wide Bay Burnett
- North Queensland
- Far North Queensland
- Mackay/Whitsunday
- Central Queensland
- North West Queensland
- South West Queensland
Regional Employer Support Payments of up to $10,000 for a jobseeker previously unemployed between four and 52 weeks are also available. Eligible employee must have been employed between 1st July 2016 and 30th June 2020.
Payments are made directly to the eligible employer in three parts:
- Initial payment of $3,000 after four weeks of continuous employment and approval of the initial payment application.
- Second payment of $3,500 after 26 weeks of continuous employment with the same employer and approval of the second payment claim.
- Final payment of $3,500 after 52 weeks of continuous employment with the same employer and approval of the final payment claim.
Employer Support Payments ($15,000) for a jobseeker previously unemployed 52 weeks or more are also available. Eligible employee must have been employed between 1st July 2016 and 30th June 2020.
Payments are made directly to the eligible employer, in three parts:
- Initial payment of $4,500 after four weeks of continuous employment and approval of the initial payment application.
- Second payment of $5,250 after 26 weeks of continuous employment and approval of the second payment claim.
- Final payment of $5,250 after 52 weeks of continuous employment with the same employer and approval of the final payment claim
For more information about the Back to Work program, click here.