More than 60 golfers recently took part in the Mungindi Cotton Growers Association 2022 Charity Golf Day – a day of colour, fun and high spirits.
Mungindi CGA President, Tristram Hertslet, said after two years of delays due to the covid chaos, it was a relief to finally tee off.
“It’s been a tough time with Mungindi suffering the brunt of covid border closures and battling through drought, fire and now floods.”
Mr Hertslet said the charity golf day injected $27,000 into Mungindi and the surrounding communities. Donations went to 19 groups, supporting local schools, medical and aged services, sporting clubs and the churches.
“It was special to see our gathering swell to 100 for the marquee lunch as the community joined us to receive the donations which will be used to solve problems or create new opportunities.
“In small communities everyone is juggling multiple roles and we’re grateful our sponsors have helped us to invest funds into keeping our community strong and vital.”
Mr Hertslet said the last time the charity golf day was held there wasn’t a blade of grass at the golf course or in the district.
“Returning to better seasons is great news, as cotton production underpins the economic and social wellbeing of our region," he said.