Get To Know: Kelly Becker, Regional Manager – Dawson and Callide Valleys

What does your role involve?
Grower liaison between the growers and Cotton Australia, reporting issues on the ground the growers are facing to the Cotton Australia policy team to work through. I also help growers on farm work towards becoming myBMP compliant, ensuring my growers are producing the most sustainable, ethical and best quality cotton in Australia.
How and why did you become involved in the Australian cotton industry?
Always had plans to be involved with the industry after getting a taste whilst at uni studying ag science. I could see back then how the industry was at the forefront of using new technologies and science to continuously keep improving their production methods, which remains true now.
Why is the cotton industry important to Australia, and your local community?
Not only does it employ locals in our small community, but it also puts money back into the local economy, where the growers spend their money in the local businesses they use to purchase their crop inputs, machinery etc.
What are you most proud of regarding the Australia cotton industry?
How much we have changed and continue to do so. It is an industry always looking for the next change in practices or technology that can help us to produce more bales on less water, land and inputs, but keeping our standard of quality high.
What are your future hopes for the Australian cotton industry?
That the young kids coming out of school or uni study realise how much of an exciting and dynamic industry, the cotton industry is to be a part of. The opportunities for exciting careers are endless, for anyone with a passion for the ag industry.
If you weren’t working in cotton, what job would you be doing?
I’d still be working within the ag industry, helping growers produce other crops, e.g. grain, horticultural.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
What’s that? Jokes aside, hanging out with family and friends, fishing, horse riding.
What is your ideal holiday destination and why?
Anywhere I can hear the waves rolling in over the beach, or look up into a star-filled sky not drowned out by the city lights.
What is your favourite movie/book?
Forrest Gump: “Life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you’re going to get.”
What three famous people would you invite to a dinner party, and why?
Pink, Ed Sheeran and Adam Devine, so we could have one giant music party.