Cotton Matters - 8th April 2022

Cotton Australia sends delegation to NFF conference
A group of current and emerging leaders from within the cotton industry gathered in Canberra for the National Farmers’ Federation’s (NFF) National Conference this week.
The 2022 conference explored agriculture’s role in sustaining Australia’s communities, economy, and natural environment, with the conversation taking place through the lens of the NFF’s 2030 Roadmap, which sets ambitious targets for our industry’s sustainability and economic development.
Over two days, attendees heard from some of Australia’s most respected leaders in fields such as politics, science, disaster recovery, agriculture, technology, health and more.
Cotton Australia’s delegation included CA Chairman Nigel Burnett and GM Michael Murray, as well as participants in the Future Cotton Leaders and Cotton20 programs.
Cotton Australia welcomes ATMAC Grant Phase 2
Cotton Australia has welcomed an announcement by Minister for Agriculture David Littleproud to award close to $1.5m to assist in securing new global markets for Australian cotton.
Minister Littleproud said the Agricultural Trade and Market Access Cooperation (ATMAC) grant builds on the first phase of the Export Market Diversification Strategy.
Cotton Australia will jointly deliver the works with the Australian Cotton Shippers Association supported by the Cotton Research Development Corporation.
Cotton Australia CEO Adam Kay said that the first phase of the ATMAC funding greatly assisted marketers to translate international buyer interest into orders with the 2021 crop and with a much larger crop in 2022 early sales are looking good.
Quality Australian cotton gains further global support
Cotton Australia has used a new collaboration with a leading Japanese shirtmaker to highlight growing global endorsement of the quality and environmental credentials of Australian cotton.
Kamakura Shirts in Japan has launched its first ‘Premium Pure White Shirt’ made from Australian cotton with the support from the Consulate-General of Australia in Osaka and by utilizing the Japan-Australia Economic Partnership Agreement.
Kamakura Shirts sourced Australian cotton because it’s clean and contaminant free which means chemicals are minimized when dyeing fabric and users ‘feel the natural whiteness of cotton.’
In launching the new shirts, now available worldwide online, the company said: “White Australian cotton is the perfect raw cotton for Kamakura Shirts, a maker that has pursued whiteness since its establishment in 1993. Whiteness is a key feature of a premium dress shirt.”
Sydney Royal Easter Show begins with Cotton Australia advocating for industry
The Sydney Royal Easter Show begins today, with tens of thousands of people set to discover the Australian cotton industry during the event.
Cotton Australia has a stand in the Woolworths Food Farm pavilion, which aims to educate city dwellers about the industry.
Cotton Australia would like to thank all those who are volunteering their time to work on the stand with our staff and help share the cotton industry’s story with the public.
Book now: your Australian Cotton Conference tickets
The Australian Cotton Conference is back in 2022 with a program expected to engage, challenge, and unite our important agricultural industry at time of great opportunity and change.
To be held in person on Queensland’s Gold Coast from 16th
– 18th August 2022, the program will centre around the theme “Here for Good”, and will explore cutting edge cotton science, contributions to the economy and regional communities and resilience in the face of many recent challenges.
Full Cotton Australia levy paying growers can access a discount when they register for the conference. During the registration process, you will be asked to supply a Grower Number – this is any number assigned to the grower by their ginner or merchant.
Read more about the Conference
ICAC global cotton update released
The International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC) has released its latest report on the global industry.
The ICAC is optimistic that some of the shipping and transport complications experienced in recent months are starting to resolve.
The Secretariat’s current price forecast of the season-average A-Index for 2021/22 ranges from 106 cents to 126 cents, with a midpoint at 113 cents per pound.
Consumption remains strong, with it currently being reported at 26.16 million tonnes.
Production is down slightly from the previous report but is holding at 26.43 million tonnes.
The A-Index has continued to rise over the second half of the 2021/22 season and is currently 152.30 US cents/pound.
Applications open for Diversity in Agriculture Leadership Program
The National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) is opening applications for its flagship Diversity in Agriculture Leadership Program.
Cotton Australia is a member of NFF and a founding partner in the program.
The program is designed to increase the representation of women in leadership positions in Australian agriculture and achieve the NFF’s goal to double the number of women in agriculture’s leadership ranks by 2030.
NFF President Fiona Simson said the organisation was proactively working towards narrowing the gender gap and the Diversity in Agriculture Leadership Program was instrumental in achieving this.
Applications close on April 17th 2022.
Vale: Ian Perry
Cotton Australia was saddened to learn of the passing of well-known agribusiness financier Ian Perry last week.
Mr Perry was tragically killed in a helicopter accident north of Melbourne.
Many of our growers and industry personnel will have known of Mr Perry during his time working in agribusiness (particularly as ANZ Manager of Agribusiness) and we acknowledge the significant contribution he made to our growers and industry.
Cotton Australia sends its condolences to Mr Perry’s family and friends.