Cotton industry and regional council supporting local schools

Federation Farm, a cotton and mixed cropping operation in Narrabri, NSW, is helping students by donating money to local schools.
Federation Farm is a Narrabri Shire Council initiative where treated waste water and bio solids from the town’s sewerage plant is transported and used to irrigate and fertilise growing crops, including cotton.

For many years, the farm has donated its profits to the local community, including recently when farm managers and the council presented cheques to four schools in Narrabri.
Each of the schools use the money generated from Federation Farm’s cotton and other crop harvests for different projects; for example, St Francis Xavier’s Primary School installed solar panels and water tanks; Narrabri Public School used the money for their robotics program; Narrabri West Public School used the donation for playground markings for sport and other educational activities; and Narrabri High School used the money to help fund the redesign of its library.

Pictured in this story is representatives of Narrabri Shire Council, the Narrabri Community Education Trust, Federation Farm, the Narrabri schools, and Cotton Australia.
Cotton Australia congratulates the council and the operators of Federation Farm on this amazing initiative – one of many in regional areas that connects the cotton industry to the communities in which it operates.