Cotton Australia joins Textile Waste Round Table

Cotton Australia recently participated in a textile waste round table at Parliament House in Canberra, hosted by Federal Environment Minister Susan Ley.
The group of 20 not-for-profit groups, manufacturers, brands, and businesses came together to begin mapping a pathway for dealing with fashion textiles at end of life, with Cotton Australia the only raw materials organisation involved.
Clothing Textile Waste now features on the government’s National Priority Waste List, with tentative targets and a goal to see actions over the coming years. As part of the textile industry, Cotton Australia is keen to be part of the conversations and to position cotton as an ideal fibre for businesses wanting to move to circular business models.
“We know through CRDC-funded research that cotton breaks down fast in water and soils, and this provides an excellent opportunity to position cotton as a better alternative to synthetic fibres, which persist in the environment for hundreds of years,” Cotton Australia’s Supply Chain Consultant, Brooke Summers said.