Brisbane’s iconic EKKA is on again in just over a week and Cotton Australia will be out in full force on behalf of growers, highlighting the amazing benefits, quality and strength of our cotton fibre.

Once again Darling Downs grower Jamie Grant will bring with him hands-on examples of cotton including two cotton modules and nine bales – adding an amazing presence to the central display which includes a spraybot, tractor and the modules which proved a massive drawcard last year.

Several growers have given their time to be on the stand as members of the public appreciate being able to meet a farmer in the flesh as well as visiting a cotton farm in the virtual reality masks. Cotton Australia would greatly appreciate more growers volunteering to serve on the stand.

And as an added bonus, the CRDC Chris Lehmann Young Cotton Achiever of the Year Award,Gold Coast-based fashion designer Emma Bond will be on the stand regularly drawing live illustrations of people at the show wearing cotton.

Emma Bond and her Live Illustrations

Stand manager Jenny Hughes welcomes everyone to come and visit the stand from August 12 to 20 to see how CA is representing the wonderful fibre our growers produce.