Australia’s myBMP-accredited farms produce the world’s best cotton using responsible and efficient management practices. The program includes online self-assessment mechanisms and practical tools and auditing processes to ensure that Australian cotton is produced according to best practice.

As of 2024 there are 542 myBMP certified cotton farms in Australia.

About myBMP

myBMP is:

  • The Australian cotton industry’s voluntary farm and environmental management program for growers.
  • Designed for all cotton growers, big and small.
  • An online self-assessment program which identifies best management practices and legal obligations for Australian cotton production.
  • A system that allows growers to confidentially compare practices and measure improvement.
  • Aligned with internationally recognised quality assurance programs and marketing initiatives for sustainable cotton production.
  • A way to access the latest research and farm management information.

Top five benefits of myBMP for growers

Top five benefits of myBMP for growers

  1. Access to premium global markets, including the Better Cotton Initiative.
  2. More efficient and more profitable cotton businesses.
  3. Safer farm operations and safer workers.
  4. Responsible land management.
  5. Cutting-edge management practices.

Click here to download the myBMP Grower Benefits brochure

Click here to download the brochure myBMP – The Australian Cotton Industry’s Sustainability Standard

Access to premium markets: Better Cotton

The world’s leading brands and retailers are increasingly demanding raw materials produced using more sustainable methods. Some of the world’s largest brands are already sourcing 100% Better Cotton. In 2022, Better Cotton represented 22% of the world’s cotton production.

Better Cotton – the world’s leading sustainability initiative for cotton, whose mission is to help cotton communities survive and thrive, while protecting and restoring the environment – directly aligns with myBMP’s certification standards and provides an avenue for Australian cotton growers to access global premium markets.

Cotton from a myBMP-certified farm can be sold to merchants as Better Cotton. Since 2014, many Australian cotton growers have been able to negotiate a premium for their Better Cotton Claim Units (BCCUs), representing a significant opportunity to leverage the sustainability investments made on farm.

Australian cotton growers must do three things to qualify as a BCI grower:

  1. Achieve myBMP certification.
  2. Pay the full Cotton Australia levy.
  3. Opt-in to BCI through Cotton Australia.
  • Liz Stott, cotton grower and Deputy Chair of Cotton Australia, shares her journey implementing the myBMP (Best Management Practices) program on her Leeton farm. “Until you sit down and commit to going through it, you don’t actually realise how much you’re already doing and it’s not as overwhelming as it initially seems,” she explains.

    Liz Stott

  • Richie Quigley began exploring the myBMP (Best Management Practices) certification around 2020, discovering that his farm was already 70% to 80% compliant. Initially, he expected a lot of red tape, but found many requirements were standard legal practices.

    Richie Quigley

  • Mitch and Melinda Brimblecombe share their experience with the myBMP (Best Management Practices) certification at Moira Farming in the Lockyer Valley. They discuss how myBMP has enhanced their farm operations, improved safety, and boosted cotton quality to meet international standards.

    Mitch and Melinda Brimblecombe

Bayer – Better Farming Grants

Bayer works with Cotton Australia to support farmers with two separate grants under the Better Farming program recognising that Australian cotton growers are continually striving to implement practices that benefit both the environment and produce the world’s highest quality cotton through Australia’s best management practice program, myBMP.

Cotton growers achieving myBMP certification in a calendar year will be eligible for a $2,000 (ex GST) grant under the Better Farming sustainable cotton farming initiative.

Supported by Cotton Australia and the Cotton Research and Development Corporation (CRDC), the Better Farming grant is available to all cotton farmers who undertake an audit and successfully complete myBMP certification of their operation during the calendar year. To be eligible to receive a grant, growers must successfully complete their myBMP certification prior to December 31st. These grants will be paid as a credit off the first invoice for Bayer technology fees*.

The grants recognise the hard work in attaining myBMP certification and the contribution of certified growers in improving the industry’s sustainability credentials.

*Terms and Conditions apply.

Water Use Efficiency Grant

For all growers that gain the myBMP certification, Bayer offers a set of Goanna Ag GoField™ Plus sensors free of charge (subject to availability)*. The Water Use Efficiency (WUE) Program is intended to provide support to growers to use crop monitoring data to recognise water use efficiency gains. The sensors provide comprehensive soil moisture and canopy temperature data to help growers better manage their irrigation practices and reduce water use.

*Terms and Conditions apply.

  • For Jordan Morrison, the myBMP (Best Management Practices) certification process turned out to be easier than expected. His experience highlights how the program streamlines compliance and supports sustainable farming.

    Jordan Morrison

  • Jenna Bell, a Leeton cotton grower, shares her experience with the myBMP (Best Management Practices) certification. Jenna discusses how the myBMP process initially seemed overwhelming but revealed that her farm was already largely compliant

    Jenna Bell

  • Gunnedah Farm Manager Peter Lennox outlines how his Cotton Australia representative guided him through the myBMP process, making it simpler than expected.

    Peter Lennox

  • Condobolin cotton grower Trini Coupland's farm improved safety, communication, and operational efficiency through the implementation of the myBMP program.

    Trini Coupland

myBMP for dryland growers

The Dryland Cotton Research Association is keen to see more dryland growers achieve their myBMP certification. Because dryland growers can skip over questions related to irrigation, the myBMP certification process is much more streamlined.

“The idea of myBMP certification seemed daunting initially, but the actual process turned out to be much more manageable than I expected.”
Ian Gourley - dryland grower Narrabri, NSW

Download the myBMP for dryland growers brochure

Achmea alliance rewards cotton growers for sustainable farming practices

Cotton Australia and farm insurer Achmea Australia (Achmea) have a strategic alliance that recognises cotton growers’ contribution to a sustainable future for the Australian cotton industry.

The alliance will support cotton growers through an insurance reward for those who are certified through the Best Management Practices program (myBMP).

The insurance reward is a premium discount offered by Achmea for its All-in-One Farm Pack to eligible cotton farmers who are certified through the myBMP program*. To contact Achmea, visit, via email at [email protected] or on 1800 724 214.

*Terms and Conditions apply.

Safe Ag Systems

Cotton Australia has partnered with Safe Ag Systems to provide special access for cotton growers in using their software to improve their processes and in doing so, achieve myBMP certification.

The deal means Safe Ag Systems will deliver an exclusive offer for the Australian Cotton Industry resulting in discounted subscription costs and an ongoing discount* for subscribers who achieve myBMP certification.

While the software simplifies record keeping, it also provides guidance and a suite of templates to support Levels 1-2 of myBMP Certification, it generates reports to demonstrate ‘best practice’ for certification and promotes a safe work culture to support your and your employee’s health, safety and well-being.

To contact Safe Ag Systems, visit, via email at [email protected] or on (08) 8490 0939

*Terms and Conditions apply.

Get involved

Register for myBMP via the program’s website.

The myBMP office and Cotton Australia Regional Managers provide support to Australian cotton growers interested in participating in the program, and supports growers through the self-assessment and audit processes.

Contact the myBMP office by calling 1800 COTTON (1800 268 866), or emailing [email protected].