Leading Darling Downs cotton farmers acknowledged at annual awards night

Darling Downs cotton farmer of the year Johannes and Scarlett Uebergang, with agronomist Liz Lobsey, who was named consultant of the year.
Darling Downs cotton farmer of the year Johannes and Scarlett Roellgen, with agronomist Liz Lobsey (left), who was named consultant of the year.

The RDO Equipment Darling Downs Cotton Grower of the year and Western Downs Transport Unsung Hero awards have been announced at the Darling Downs Cotton Grower Incorporated annual awards dinner in Dalby.

The Roellgen family from Brookstead was named RDO Equipment Cotton Grower of the Year for 2022, and Bruce Vandersee was named Western Downs Transport Unsung Hero Award.

Farmers and industry representatives gathered in Dalby on September 17 for the awards dinner.

DDCGI president Dave Walton commended all the award recipients and nominees after what he described as a long and challenging but good year of cotton farming.

“Our farmers have done a fantastic job to come through a very wet and drawn-out season on the Darling Downs,” Mr Walton said.

“The judging team was very impressed with this year’s nominees and the calibre of the entries. All categories were tightly contested, and the judges certainly had their work cut out finalising the winners – it was very close.

“Our farmers should be extremely proud of what they are doing and they deserve the recognition for all the hard work they have put in to growing sustainable cotton.”

It is estimated that about 400,000 bales will be processed across three gins on the Darling Downs for the 2021-22 season, with ginning expected to finish by mid-December.

The 2022 award recipients are:

RDO Equipment Grower of the Year
Roellgen Family, Brookstead
Consultant of the year: Meteora Agronomic Consulting

Cotton Grower Services High Achiever of the Year

Skerman Family, Dalby
Consultant of the Year: Dan Skerman

Dalby Rural Supplies Young Achiever Award

Larissa Holland, CSD & DDCGI Secretary

Western Downs Transport Unsung Hero Award

Bruce Vandersee

Darling Downs Cotton Growers Inc Service to Industry

John & Kylie Fuelling

Darling Downs Cotton Growers Association Inc Greg McVeigh Memorial Trophy for Outstanding Yield

Greg and Maryann Bender, 2.06 bales/ML

ANZ Highest Yield – Irrigated Cotton

Ross Uebergang, 11.7 bales/ha

ANZ Highest Yield – Dryland Cotton

Kurt and Luke Von Pein, 7.36 bales/ha