Cotton Australia dispels myths at Murray-Darling Association Conference
Cotton Australia’s General Manager Michael Murray joined local government representatives from all over the Murray Darling Basin for the annual Murray Darling Association conference held this year in Tamworth.
Mr. Murray took the opportunity to dispel several myths around the cotton industry, in particular its chemical and water use, with a presentation that included a brief explainer on floodplain harvesting and a focus on how best to complete the implementation of the Basin Plan and the transition to Basin Plan II. He stressed that Basin Plan II must seek to achieve real environmental outcomes by adopting a holistic approach, rather than the flawed Basin Plan approach of “just add water.”
National Irrigators Council’s CEO Zara Lowien also spoke at the conference with her presentation emphasising the need to re-focus for Basin Plan I, as well as the importance of getting the revised National Water Initiative right.
The MDA is an 80-year-old organisation that brings together the Basin’s local governments with a strong focus on water policy.