Cotton Australia connects with crowd at EKKA 2024

Cotton Australia made a big impact at this year's EKKA in Brisbane, engaging with thousands of visitors at its stand in the Ag Hall. The event, which followed straight after the Australian Cotton Conference, saw 340,000 people come through over nine days, even with a rain-soaked Wednesday that delayed the iconic Grand Parade on People’s Day.

The Cotton Australia stand was all about showing how Australian cotton is grown, from the farm to the clothes we wear. This year, a lifestyle display of cotton products from our brand partners added an extra touch, drawing in curious visitors. We were lucky to have a group of UQ Agricultural Science students from the Gatton Campus on hand to help out—many thanks to them.

Grower Ian Hayllor in a lifestyle display of cotton products from our brand partners
Grower Ian Hayllor was proud to showcase the range of cotton products from our brand partners at this years’ Ekka

Special shoutout to Darling Downs growers Jamie Grant, Ian and Dan Hayllor, Dave Walton, Nigel Burnett, Georgie Krieg and Adrian Windsor, who were on site to chat with the crowds. People loved hearing directly from the growers and snapping photos with the impressive cotton machinery and module on display. Thanks also to QFF, LDC, CRDC, CottonInfo and Ag Machinery Mate staff members who all volunteered their time on the stand.

We also had some high-profile visitors, including Queensland Premier Steven Miles, Governor-General Sam Mostyn AC, and the new federal Agriculture Minister Julie Collins, who showed a strong interest in learning more about the Australian cotton industry.

Cotton Australia continued to sponsor the Natural Fibres and Wearable Arts Make a Model competition for amateur dressmakers and students from Primary, Secondary and TAFE schools and colleges and congratulate all the winners.

Grower Ian Hayllor chats to new federal Agriculture Minister Julie Collins
Grower Ian Hayllor chats to new federal Agriculture Minister Julie Collins
Darling Downs grower Jamie Grant met Governor-General Sam Mostyn AC
Darling Downs grower Jamie Grant and Governor-General Sam Mostyn AC in the Ag Hall
Cotton Australia’s Regional Manager for the Darling Downs, Howard Coggan with Queensland Premier Steven Miles and CA Education Manager Jenny Hughes
Cotton Australia’s Regional Manager for the Darling Downs, Howard Coggan with Queensland Premier Steven Miles and CA Education Manager Jenny Hughes

Celebrating Queensland Agriculture

As a part of EKKA festivities, Cotton Australia attended the Queensland Farmers' Federation's (QFF) third annual Celebration of Queensland Agriculture event. The event featured speeches from Chris Whiting, Member for Bancroft, who spoke on behalf of the Hon Mark Furner, Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries and Minister for Rural Communities, Tony Perrett, Shadow Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, and Tony Mahar, CEO of the National Farmers' Federation.

Nigel Burnett, George Kriegg, Jo Sherpherd, Michael Murray and
Nigel Burnett, CA Chair, Georgie Krieg, QFF Non-Executive Director, Jo Sheppard, QFF Chief Executive Officer, Michael Murray, CA General Manager, Aaron Kiely, QFF President at the Celebration of Queensland Agriculture event.