Cotton Jobs website update

The Cotton Jobs site has been temporally deactivated due to reduced usage post COVID-19. Recognising the current increase in available seasonal workers, Cotton Australia are redirecting our efforts to align with and support other agriculture employment initiatives such as QFF Ag Jobs Queensland site and the AGCAREERSTART program.

Coming out of the pandemic, the Australian government challenged all industries to reimagine how to attract and retain their workforces now and into the future. The Australian Cotton industry has led the charge, with our growers persevering through the worker shortage to bounce back as an employer of choice. We have achieved low permanent employee turnover, and our seasonal workers continue to return year in and year out.

Job listing sites for growers

For growers seeking seasonal worker the Australian government's Harvest Jobs site and the Backpacker Job Board are useful for attracting casual workers. Employers seeking permanent staff can use general job sites like or specialized agriculture agencies for skilled professionals.

The National Farmers' Federation Australian Farm Jobs website has links to a range of agricultural employment sites.